If none of the above apply, do not file a CT resident income tax return.
You had a Pass-Through Entity Tax Credit (PE Tax Credit) amount which does not fully offset your CT tax liability. You are claiming the Connecticut earned income tax credit (CT EITC) or. You had a federal alternative minimum tax liability. You meet the gross income test (see below). CT Dent can arrange for scans and x-rays to be reported on by a consultant radiologist.You must file a Connecticut resident income tax return if you were a resident of CT for the entire year and any of the following applies to you for the 2020 calendar year: The Prescriber accepts responsibility for making arrangements for all radiographs and CBCT scans to be interpreted and reported on. CT Dent do not report on CBCT scans or x-rays as a matter of standard procedure. In no event will CT Dent, be liable to anyone for action taken in connection with the use of said services. The results must be verified by a medical doctor to ensure accuracy before being used and compared to the medical images provided to the company.
CT Dent, Makes no warranty as to the sufficiency or suitability of said services and does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the services. Disclaimer: Printed Reports, SimPlant conversions,3D reconstruction services, custom 3D reconstruction services, panoramic reconstructions, nerve segmentation, data networking and any other services provided by CT Dent delivered "as is" without warranty, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, as to any matter whatsoever, including without limitation, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.